Changing the Status to "Complete"

During the design process, the form is in draft status. When you finish creating and error-checking the form and are satisfied with it, as well as any workflow(s), log, etc., change the status to "Complete." The form must be complete before you can deploy it into the Test, or Production, environment.

Note: You cannot edit a form with a status of "complete." You can, however, change a completed form back to "draft" status and edit it; then change the status back to "complete," and redeploy it to Unifier. Thereafter, any new BP or other form created with the edited  form or workflow will reflect the changes.

To change the status of a component

  1. Click the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the Navigator, click uDesigner.
  3. Click the object that you want to work in (business process or manager).
  4. In the list, on the right pane, highlight the name of the form.
  5. From the toolbar, click Status and select Complete.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021