Creating a uCAD Interface for the Space Manager

To integrate uCAD and AutoCAD®, you must create an integration form for the Space Manager. You will need to create this form for the level and also for the spaces. This form should specify the fields that you want to manage with AutoCAD, and the fields must come from either the level or space attribute form.

To create a uCAD integration interface

  1. In User mode, open the level or space for which you want to create the interface and navigate to the Integration node.
  2. In the Navigator, click uCAD.
  3. Click the New button. The uCAD Design window opens.
  4. Enter a Name and Description for the interface.
  5. In the Validation Form field, click the down arrow and select the form you want to use to verify the required fields for the interface.
  6. Click the Data Elements tab.

    By default, the tab lists all the data elements on the detail form of the level or space, including hidden fields. Under the Direction heading, the list shows a default value of “uCAD Editable.”

    For the interface to work, you must include the following data elements:

    On the interface for a level:

    • uuu_sp_level_name (mark it editable)
    • uuu_sp_area
    • uuu_sp_level_drawing

    On the interface for a space:

    • Data element that was created for the space’s name (mark it editable)
    • uuu_sp_area (mark it editable)
    • uuu_sp_uom (mark it editable)
    • uuu_sp_level_picker

    Include those elements that you want to manage and display in AutoCAD. For example, you might want to include a “Department” data element if you are tracking spaces per department.

  7. On the Data Elements tab, you can remove any elements you do not want on the interface, or change the editability (“Direction”) of the element.
    1. In the Element Label field, click the arrow and choose the data element to add.
    2. In the Direction field, click the arrow and specify whether the element should be editable or read-only.
    3. To change the editability of a field, select the field and click the Modify button.
    4. To remove a data element from the integration design, select it and click Remove.
    5. Click OK.
  8. In the uCAD Design window, click OK.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021