Indexing and Content Search

The following contains general information about indexing and content search in Unifier:

Unifier uses Lucene StandardAnalyzer 2.9.3 to index and search the documents.

The following contains examples, and a brief explanation, of how a document or phrase is indexed and searched in Unifier:

The phrase "XY&Z Corporation -" will be indexed as [xy&z] [corporation] [].

In case of xml files, only the element content will be indexed. The tag and attribute value will not be indexed and cannot be searched. See the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- in the project's Project Properties dialog box.-->

<project name="Unifier913" default="default" basedir=".">

<description>Builds, tests, and runs the project Unifier913.</description>


In the example above, the xml file will be indexed as [builds] [tests] [runs] [project] [unifier913]. If you search for the string, "description," then the document will not be returned, but if you search for the string, "project," you will get the document since the string "project" is a part of the element content.

The indexing background job is scheduled to run every 15 minutes. The documents added to Document Manager are available for search every 15 minutes after being added.

Note: In the case of Unpublished documents, the attachments will be searched, only. The record information PDF will not be searched.

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Last Published Tuesday, February 16, 2021