Cash Flow Log Window (Standard View)

The Cash Flow log is the starting place for cash flow operations.

To access the Cash Flow log go to the shell and switch to the user mode. Click the Cost Manager module to expand. Click the Cash Flow node to see the Cash Flow log.

The Cash Flow log:

The project or shell Cash Flow log has the following toolbar options:


Create new cash flow curves. Your options are:

  • Manual: Create curves manually.
  • From Template: Create curves by using available templates.
  • Summary Curve: Create summary curves using existing curves in the log


To do the following on the log items as a whole or individually:

  • Refresh
  • Roll up Status
  • Delete
  • Manage Distribution Profiles


Distribution profiles are generally managed by an administrator.

If you select one or more detail curves and one or more Summary curves and proceed to update the roll up status, then the system ignores the selected Summary curves and updates the roll up statuses of the selected detail curves.


View the log of all cash flow curves. You can create new views, manage views, or edit the current view.

Edit View

Open the Edit View page and change the columns, filters, groups, and sorting of the items on the log.

Refresh Log

Refresh cash flow curves on the log.


To print, export to CSV, or export to Excel the log items.

Find on Page

Search the Cash Flow log

The Cash Flow log displays a list of cash flows. Information about each cash flow record is presented in the following columns:

Refresh Data

To refresh each curve data and view the refresh status, as well.

Refresh Data has three states: Refresh Now, In Progress, and Refresh Complete.

The refresh actions apply to Detail Curves and not to Summary Curves.


Name of the curve.


Description for the curve

Detail Level

This option applies to Detail Curves only and will be blank for Summary Curves.


Type of the curve.


Curve status.

The Status column applies to Summary Curves and not to Detail Curves. This column should be blank for Detail curves.

Time Scale

The time taken by the process.

This option applies to Detail Curves only and will be blank for Summary Curves.

Rollup Status

This can be "Active" or "Inactive." This option controls whether the cash flow data from the current project or shell is rolled up to the Program or Company cash flow curves, or not.

This option applies to Detail Curves only and will be blank for Summary Curves.

Last Saved

The date the cash flow curve properties were last updated and saved.

This option applies to Detail Curves only and will be blank for Summary Curves.

Auto Refresh

A detail cash flow curve can be set up to refresh automatically as per a schedule. This column shows the auto-refresh frequency, if the curve has been set up for the same, else, it shows as blank.

This option applies to Detail Curves only and will be blank for Summary Curves.

Each cash flow detail curve has a Refresh Data Now option (Refresh Data has three states: Refresh Now, In Progress, and Refresh Complete) to allow you to get the most up-to-date information about the highlighted record, and a gear menu () that enable you to conduct the following:

Note: When you highlight a number of detail curves on the log, the gear menu () menu enables you to View Summary. This options enables you to display the Summary Curve window for all selected curves.


Open a curve.


Copy a curve. It opens the Create New Cash Flow Curve window. All options and values within this window are pre-populated by way of information in the Properties of the source curve.

Note: The Name field in this window will be prefixed with "Copy of."

You can make changes as needed and click OK to open the new detail curve window.


Delete existing cash flow curves.

Note: When you select one or more curves (cash flow detail curves or summary cash flow curves) and click Delete, if you select, Yes in the resulting window, then the selected cash flow detail curves will be deleted.

Refresh Now

Refresh Data has three states: Refresh Now, In Progress, and Refresh Complete.

Roll up Status

A single menu option with two sub-options:

  • Active
  • Inactive

To manage cash flow curves rollup status.


To open the Properties window and access the following tabs:

  • General (Detail Level, Time Scale, and Period Close Settings)
  • Curves
  • Filter (Filter settings)
  • Options (Number Format)
  • Schedule (Refresh Cashflow, Frequency, Range of Recurrence)
  • Summary (add the curve to Summary curves)

When you click and highlight a cash flow, the right pane displays the following tabs:


Grant cash flow curves viewing and/or usage permission to other users


Set Scheduled Runs, Frequency, and Range of Recurrence.


See the history of all refreshes (manual or scheduled) on a detail curve.

Summary Cash Flow Curve

If there is more than one detail curve in the log, then one additional (system-generated) curve, the "Summary Cash Flow Curve" will be displayed in the log. Also, in this case, the view is defaulted to the "Group by Type" such that the detail curves and the summary curves are seen grouped by their type in separate arrangement or structure. The following shows the additional options specific to the "Summary Cash Flow Curve."

Create Summary Curve window options:

This window (overlay page) appears when you select Summary Curve from the Create toolbar option.

As soon as you create a second detail curve, the system- defined "Summary Cash Flow Curve" is created automatically, and the Cash Flow log view changes to "Group by Type." The "Summary Cash Flow Curve" is displayed under the "Summary Curves" grouping. Similarly, if you delete the second last detail curve from the log, the Summary Cash Flow Curve will get deleted automatically from the grid. In this case, if there are no more user-defined summary curves, then the view returns to "All" instead of "Group by Type."

The following explains the gear menu () options (or right-click at a single Summary Curve) for the Summary Curves:

The right pane for a Summary Curve log displays one tab: Properties. The Properties tab displays all of the options of the "Create Summary Curve" window (overlay) form and allows you to make changes.

Note: You cannot make changes to the properties of the system-defined Cash Flow Summary Curve. For the system-defined Cash Flow Summary Curve, all options in the Properties tab appears as read-only.

The system-defined Cash Flow Summary Curve values, for each option, are:

If you select multiple Detail Curves, then the right pane displays the following tabs:

See Also

Unifier Cost Manager

Accounts Sheet

Cost Sheets


Cash Flow Module and Cash Flow Curves

Earned Value (EV) Module

Schedule of Values (SOV)

Generic Cost Manager

Cost Manager (Standard)

Rules and Rule Exceptions

Using Cost Manager

About Cost Sheets

Working with Project or Shell Cost Sheets

Working with the Company Cost Sheet

Working with the Program Cost Sheet

Working with Company Accounts Sheets

About Funding

About Cash Flow

About Cash Flow Curves

Cash Flow Curves Types

Cash Flow Project Overview (Standard View)

Granting Cash Flow User Mode Permissions

About Portfolio Manager Budget Curves

Financial Period in Cost Manager

Creating Cash Flow Curves (Classic View)

Creating Cash Flow Curves (Standard View)

Auto-create a Cash Flow Curve from a Base Commit Record

Create a Cash Flow Curve from a Schedule Sheet

Create a Cash Flow Curve from a Template

Copy Cash flow curves and curve data

Cash Flow Curves in Cost Controls Base Product

About Cash Flow Worksheets

Program-Level and Company-Level Cash Flow

Earned Value (EV)

About Schedule of Values (SOV)

Working with a Generic Cost Manager

P6, Cost Manager, and Cash Flow

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022