Folder Properties Window (Properties Tab)

The Properties tab has several fields that are categorized under the following blocks:


In this field

Do this


This always appears at the top and is mandatory. For the project or shell Documents or Company Documents root folder, this is not editable.


The folder location within the project or shell Documents node. "/" indicates the project or shell Documents root folder.


The name of the folder creator or current owner. Click to view the user profile.

Creation Date

The date that the folder was created.

% Complete

This is a calculated field derived from the overall percent complete of all documents within the folder. The % Complete for documents is maintained manually in the Document Properties window.


You can enter an optional description for the folder.



(applicable to project-level Document Manager only)

Project administrators can group folders into customized categories. You cannot use Find to search for Category designations, but you can include them in a report (user-defined reports). This field is not present at the company level.


(applicable to project or shell level Document Manager only)

In the project or shell level Document Manager, a folder can be associated with one or more project or shell phases, making it accessible only during those phases of the project or shell. This helps insure that important, phase-specific documents are visible at the appropriate times during the life cycle of the project or shell. Click the Select button and select one or more phases.

The Phase setting controls the visibility of folders. For example, if the project or shell administrator sets the project or shell phase to conceptual design, then only those folders tagged with the phase conceptual design, as well as those without a phase tag, will be visible during that phase. If you do not specify a phase, the folder will display during all project or shell phases.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022