Linked Documents

If a DM file is attached to a BP record, Unifier allows you to sign or send it for E-Signature from within the DM.

If a linked file is sent out for E-signature, the BP record will remain linked to the original file. The E-signature status, E-Signature log, etc. from DM does not reflect back into the BP record. When the E-Signature process from DM is completed, then the BP continues to show as linked to the original file. The DM, however, displays the signed and revised file.

Note: If you link a DM file to a BP record and send the DM file for E-Signature from the DM as well as the BP record, the result will be similar to as if you attached a checked-out file from DM to a BP record. In this case, Unifier revises the file on the BP record (the E-Signature request (DM or BP record) that is completed first revises the file in the DM first).

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022