Cash Flow Properties Worksheet Curves Pane (Standard View)

In the Curves pane of the Cash Flow Properties worksheet, you can add the curves you would like to include in the Cash Flow WorkSheet.

Based on the data sources that you have defined in Company Workspace > Administration Mode > Standards & Libraries > Cash Flow > Data Sources, you can create:

Depending on the type, the curve setup options will differ. You can define one curve for every data source.

Note: The Portfolio Budget curve is linked to scenarios in the Portfolio Manager. The project manager must create this curve. Once created, the curve shows the initial budget projections.

When you open a curve, you can view the data in the transaction currency, if the transaction currency is different than the project currency.

Related Topics

Baseline Curve (Standard View)

Actuals (Spends) Curve (Standard View)

Forecast Curve (Standard View)

Portfolio Budget Curve (Standard View)

Derived Curve (Standard View)

Custom Curve (Standard View)

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022