Add currency amounts to company funds

Once the company funding sheet has been set up, the funds must be "funded" -- enter the funding amounts that will be used to fund your projects and shells. Commonly, the Company Funding data source is used as a manual entry column to enter the starting amount of each fund, or add additional funds to it. This column can be direct entry or line item entry.

This procedure assumes the funds have already been added to the sheet. It also assumes that a column has been added to the sheet for manual fund entry. Commonly, this uses the Company Funding data source. You can click a column heading to verify the data source used.

To add a value to a company fund

  1. Open the company funding sheet.
  2. Locate the column that is used for adding value to company funds on the sheet, commonly, the Company Funding column.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If the column is direct entry, click inside the cell and enter the amount. If the cell already has a value, you can modify it.
    • If the column is line item entry, click the link in the cell. The Cell Detail window opens in which you can can take these actions.
      • Click Add Line Item to add a new line item.
      • Select a line item and click Copy Line Item to add a line item by copying another.
      • Double-click an existing line item to modify it.
      • Select a line item and click Remove Line Item to remove it.
  4. Enter the line item information in the Line Item window and click OK.

The amount in the Company Funding column can be used as the starting amount of a fund. Other columns on the company funding sheet can be used to roll up transaction and manual funding amounts from project/shell funding sheets, and formula columns can be added to keep track of the fund balance.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022