Cash Flow Details Window

When you open a cash flow worksheet, the data is view-only in both the chart and the curves list. You can double-click a curve to open the Details window for that curve, which is where you enter or edit cost data. If the details window is open and you click on another curve in the worksheet, the details window will refresh with the data of the new curve.

Below are considerations for Baseline, Spends, and CBS curves.

Baseline curves

Actual (Spends) curves

These curves display actual spent amounts per time period, and are not editable or distributed.

CBS curves

CBS codes in the worksheet appear in the order as listed in the cost sheet. The following procedure describes how to enter data on worksheet fields that have been set up to be editable. Data can be entered by manual entry or by importing.

To manually enter or edit cash flow data on a worksheet

  1. Open the project or shell and click Cost Manager > Cash Flow in the left Navigator.
  2. Select a curve from the log and click Open, or double-click the curve.
  3. Select the curve to edit from the list of curves in the lower portion of the worksheet. Double-click the row to open the Details window.

    Depending on curve options, the curve can be set up for manual or auto-distribution. Worksheet selections may vary according to distribution methods.

  4. In the Details window you can:
    • Click the From Date and/or To Date to select different start and end dates for the cash flow curve.

    Unifier pegs cost data distribution to the From Date. If there are date changes, Unifier shifts the curve on the timeline based on From Date modifications. Each time period (e.g., month or year) on the curve retains the value of the original distribution. If date changes make the cash flow curve longer or shorter, Unifier will not re-balance or redistribute cost data to match the modified curve length.

    • Click the Total field and enter the cost value for which you want to generate the cash flow curve.
    • Track undistributed cost in the read-only Unassigned field .
    • Change the distribution profile if the curve was set up with auto-distribution. Click the Profile field. The Select Distribution Profile window opens. Select a new profile and click Select.
    • Enter values in each of the time periods to equal the amount in the Total field. The Unassigned column will show you how much of the Total you have left to distribute.
  5. Click Save to save and close the Details window.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022