Add Curves to the Detail Curve Cash Flow Worksheet

You can add as many curves as you need to the cash flow worksheet. Each curve is associated with a cash flow data source so that curve data can be rolled up and is reportable. Each data source can be used once per worksheet. (Data sources are created in Administration Mode in Standards & Libraries). Be sure that you have created enough data sources to add the curves you need to the worksheet.

When creating the curves, you can choose to make them editable so data can be entered and adjusted manually, or automated so that data is pulled from other sources, such as the project schedule sheet, cost sheet columns, and cost business process records. Distribution of cost data over time can also be done manually, or can be automatically distributed by creating and applying distribution profiles.

Curves are added to the cash flow detail curve Properties window.

To add curves to the cash flow detail worksheet

  1. From the project/shell cash flow log or cash flow template log, select the detail curve in the log and click the Properties button. The Properties window opens.
  2. Modify the Properties window and add curves as needed. See Cash flow curves
  3. Click OK when done. The cash flow worksheet opens and displays the added curve.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022