Refresh Cash Flow Curves

You can enable or disable auto-refresh, and set the frequency. This setup is done in the Cash Flow Properties Settings: Schedule tab (Classic View) on the Properties window of the detail curve during setup, or set at runtime. You can also manually refresh a curve at any time.

You can see the refresh history of a curve at any time by clicking Refresh>History. This shows not only each manual or automatic refresh performed on the curve, but will also display any errors that were found during a refresh.

What refresh does

Unassigned field

If there is a value in the Unassigned field, hover over or click the field. The reasons for the value is displayed. For example,

To refresh a cash flow curve manually

Do one of the following:

To set the cash flow curve auto-refresh schedule

  1. You can access the auto-refresh schedule options in two ways:
    • To edit a single curve, you can select the curve from the cash flow log and click the Properties button. Click the Schedule tab.
    • To edit the schedule information for multiple curves from the Cash Flow log, select one or more curves in the log. Click the Refresh button and choose Set Frequency. The Set Frequency window opens.

    In either window, you can enable (or disable) automatic refresh of the selected cash flow curve (or curves), and set the refresh schedule. If you are setting the frequency in multiple curves using Refresh> Set Frequency, these settings will be pushed to the Schedule tab of each curve’s Properties window when the window is saved.

  2. Complete the fields.

In this Field:

DO This:

Enable Refresh

If you select this checkbox, you can then define the refresh schedule.

The cash flow sheet will refresh automatically to reflect the most recent cost or schedule data, or any changes that may have been made to the distribution profile or other properties. If you do not select this checkbox, the curve can still be manually refreshed at runtime.


Choose when the refresh will be run.

Daily. At the end of every day.

Weekly. Select the day of the week to run the refresh.

Monthly. Refresh will run on the last day of the month.

Quarterly. Refresh will run on the last day of the calendar quarter.

Range of recurrence

You can define when the refresh schedule will begin and end.

Start On. Enter a date to begin the refresh schedule.

To define when the scheduled refresh ends, select either No end date (the refresh will run at the scheduled intervals until it is turned off or as long as the project/shell is active, or select End by and choose an end date to stop the automatic refresh.

To view a curve’s refresh history

  1. Open the project or shell and click Cost Manager > Cash Flow in the left Navigator. The Cash Flow log opens.
  2. Select a cash flow curve from the log, click the Refresh button and choose History. The Refresh History window opens, displaying the refresh events for the selected curve. This window also displays the status of a curve that is currently being refreshed.

To cancel a curve refresh

  1. Open the project or shell and click Cost Manager > Cash Flow in the left Navigator. The Cash Flow log opens.
  2. Select the curve being refreshed and click Refresh > History. The Refresh History window opens.
  3. If the refresh Status does not yet display Finished, click Cancel Request. If the cancellation is successful, the entry will display the Status as Canceled.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022