Copy or Move Reference Files (Classic View)

If you need to copy or move reference files, it is recommended that you do so through the Reference Manager in order to maintain proper links between drawing and reference files.

To copy a reference file (Classic View)

  1. In the document log, select a drawing file that has reference files. The drawing file will have a checkmark or an X in the Ref column of the log if there are associated references.
  2. Click the View menu and choose References. The Reference Manager window opens.
  3. Select the reference to copy and click the Copy button. The Copy Reference window opens.
  4. Browse to the target folder within project or shell Documents.
  5. Click OK. A reference will be copied to the target folder.

To move a reference file (Classic View)

  1. In the Reference Manager window, select the reference to move and click the Move button. The Move Reference window opens.
  2. Browse to the target folder.
  3. Choose one of the options in the lower portion of the window. The reference file will maintain a link to the drawing file based on the option you choose:
    • Create reference as dynamic link: If the reference is revised, the link is refreshed and points to the newer version.
    • Create reference as static link: If the reference is revised, the link points to the original version.
  4. Click OK. The reference file is moved to the target folder.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022