Search for an unpublished document (Classic View)

There are two ways to find an Unpublished Document:

To search for documents by properties

  1. In Unpublished Documents, click the Find button and choose Search By Properties (or click the View menu and choose Find > Search By Properties). The upper portion of the log expands to display the Find fields.
  2. Enter search criteria in one or more of the Find fields, for example, the full or partial name of a file.
  3. Click the Search button. The log will display the search results.
  4. To close the Search fields, click the X in the upper right corner.

To search for documents by content

  1. In Unpublished Documents, click the Find button and choose Search By Content (or click the View menu and choose Find > Search By Content).
  2. Enter one or more keywords to search for within the documents.
  3. Click the Search button. The log will display the search results.
  4. To close the Search fields, click the X in the upper right corner.

Tip: For best results, use only alpha-numeric characters in your search criteria. If you are not receiving the search results you are expecting, try placing your criteria in quotes.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022