Approve a Scenario (Classic View)

After management has approved a scenario for the portfolio, you can mark the scenario as "approved." You must have "full access" permission to approve a scenario.

Once you approve a scenario, Unifier:

To approve a scenario

  1. At the bottom of the scenario sheet window, select the tab containing the scenario you want to approve.
  2. Click the Manage Scenarios icon and choose Approve Selected Tab.

  3. Click Save All.

When you approve a scenario, Unifier automatically shares the scenario and visually marks the scenario tab with an Approved and Shared icon to indicate to project managers that this is the approved scenario.

To "un-approve" a scenario

  1. At the bottom of the scenario sheet window, select the tab containing the scenario you want to un-approve.
  2. Click the manage scenarios icon and choose Un-Approve Selected Tab.

    The Portfolio Manager deletes the approval icon from the tab, but does not delete the shared icon. If you want to stop sharing the scenario as well, you must click the manage scenarios icon and choose Unshare Selected Tab.

  3. Click Save All.

    Note: If you "un-approve" a scenario, Unifier does NOT reset dates to their original values. Date fields will retain the approved values.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022