Calendar Tab

You can view and manage booking dates as well as unavailable dates (non-project time, such as vacation days). The calendar shows both your soft and hard bookings.

To edit your booking calendar:

  1. You can click the Month tab or Week tab to change the calendar view. A maximum of five projects/shells can be shown for any day in the month view. If you are booked for more than five project/shells in a day, you can view them all in the week view.
  2. To view all projects/shells for any given day, select a day and click the Booking Details button.

    The Resource Booking Details window opens. The window displays the project/shell bookings for you on the selected date. For each project/shell, it shows project/shell number, project/shell name, booking status, dates when the booking starts and ends, total hours booked during this period on the project/shell, and total hours booked on the current date on the project/shell. The dates and hours shown include non-project time.

  3. To make yourself unavailable for booking on a certain date, select the date and check the Unavailable checkbox. You can click the drop-down list and select an option.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022