Select the calculation method for % complete

You can select an option that allows you to enter progress information for a key quantity (referred to as the Leader) of an activity which will determine the overall progress of other resources and the activity itself. For example:

The key quantity is referred to as the Leader in Unifier.

To select the % complete calculation method for activities at the schedule sheet level

  1. Open a schedule sheet.
  2. Choose File > Budget and Progress Setup > Schedule Sheet.
  3. Under the Default % Complete Calculation Method section, choose an option. This option will apply to all activities in the schedule sheet, unless it is overridden by the selection of a different option for an individual activity.

    Note: Company holidays based on company calendar should be considered while distributing budget. Budget should not be distributed on days that are marked as holidays on company calendar.

Use this Calculation Method

To do this:

Manual activity % complete and resource % complete

Enter the progress of activity and resource independent of each other. Entering Activity % Complete will not update resource progress and entering resource % complete will not update Activity % Complete.

Manual activity % complete - updates resource % complete

Enter the progress of an activity, and resource % complete will be updated automatically. If this option is selected, Activity % Complete will become the key quantity or Leader, which will control the progress of the entire activity, including resources.

Resource updates Activity - weighted average of resource costs


Enter progress for each resource independently. Activity % Complete is read-only and will be automatically calculated based on weighted resource cost.

The following formula is used to calculate this value:

{Sum of [Resource Progress Quantity / Resource Quantity) * (Resource Amount)] / Sum of (Resource Amount) } * 100

All resources are considered in this calculation, including hard booked resources.

Resource updates Activity - weighted avg. of resource hours


Enter progress for each resource independently. Activity % Complete will be read-only and will be automatically calculated based on weighted resource man hours.

The following formula is used to calculate this value:

{Sum of [Resource Progress Quantity / Resource Quantity) * (Resource Amount)] / Sum of (Resource Quantity) } * 100

The only resources considered in this calculation are hard booked resources.

Note: Progress entry for Resource and Activity before importing Resource Assignment Attribute form is based on Activity % Complete and Resource % Complete. After the Resource Assignment Attribute form is imported, progress on activity will be Activity % Complete, but for Resource it is Progress Quantity the data element. Resource % Complete is then read-only and always calculated.

To select the % complete calculation method for activities at the activity level

  1. Open a schedule sheet.
  2. Choose File > Budget and Progress Setup > Activity.
  3. Under the % Complete Calculation Method section, choose an option. This option will apply specifically to the selected activity, and will override any default entry method set up at the schedule sheet level. The behavior of these % Complete Calculation Method options at the activity level is the same as the default options at the schedule sheet level. The exception is Lead resource updates Activity and other resources, described in the next step.
  4. Under the activity level, you can select Lead resource updates Activity and other resources, and choose resources (including hard booked) that are assigned to the activity on the Resource tab. This option allows you to select a resource as a key quantity or a Leader. If you select this option and a resource from the drop down menu, then you can enter progress on only that resource. Activity % Complete and Resource % Complete on all other resources are read-only and will be automatically calculated based on the progress entered on key quantity or leader resource.

For example:

Assume that there is an activity with Resource 1 and Resource 2, with the Activity % Complete at 0%:


Work Hours

% Complete

Resource 1



Resource 2


0 (read-only)

For a further example, assume that Resource 1 is the key quantity or Leader, with the Activity % Complete at 30%:


Work Hours

% Complete

Resource 1



Resource 2


30 (read-only)

You can change the Lead resource updates Activity and other resources drop down menu selection until there is progress or earned progress entries for the activity or resource. After progress or earned progress data is entered, the Budget and Progress Method Setup for the activity is disabled and you cannot delete the resource selected as Leader. If you find that you must change the settings for the activity, you must delete the activity and start over with new data and settings.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022