About Shell Dashboards

Shell dashboards display project data in an at-a-glance format. You can control the dashboard appearance and content and make it specific to the shell with which you are working; however, shell dashboards cannot pull data from across shell hierarchies. For example, consider two anchor shells, which are seen as tabs, one is labeled "Capital Projects," and one is labeled "Facilities." The Capital Projects dashboard can display data from all levels of the Capital Projects hierarchy; however, it cannot display Facilities data because Facilities is the root of a separate, independent hierarchy.

Two types of dashboards are available in project shells:

  1. My Dashboard: All shells have a personal dashboard that a user can define if he or she has Setup permission. A user can configure My Dashboard in User Mode using the Edit Dashboard window. Users can select My Dashboard from the View Dashboard drop-down list on each shell.
  2. Shell dashboards: Shell dashboards allow users to view shell and subordinate shell data. This differs from My Dashboard in that a user cannot share his or her personalized dashboard. Administrators can create multiple shell dashboards per shell and push them via templates. Users can select this type of dashboard to view from the View Dashboard drop-down list on each shell. These dashboards are maintained at the shell level and are available to any user to view (but not edit) provided the user has permissions.

Each shell dashboard has at least one tab and can have up to five tabs. The default tab name is Summary, which you can change. The default shell dashboard layout contains these four blocks:

On each tab, you can select a different layout to which you can add blocks of these types:

To view Analytics in the Portlet block, you need to perform additional and required configurations in OBIEE in order to allow the OBI analysis to render properly. Go to:

See Also

Shells Administration

Dedicated Mailbox for the Shell

User Permissions and Navigation

Setting up Shells

Setting Up the Automatic Update of Shell Status

How to Set Up Gates

Editing Multiple Shells at once with Bulk Edit

Migrating standard projects to CBS shells

Internationalization and CSV Files

Internationalization and Web Services

Internationalization (Email Notifications)

Internationalization (Support for Tools)

Internationalization (BI Publisher Custom Reports)

Internationalization (Dashboards)

Internationalization (Help Files)

Internationalization (Spell Check)

Internationalization (Date and Time Zone Formats)

Internationalization (Audit Log)

In This Section

Setting shell instance dashboard permissions

Creating a shell dashboard in a template

Copy a shell dashboard

Modify shell instance dashboard properties

Delete a shell instance dashboard

Find a shell instance dashboard

Set user or group permission for a shell instance dashboard

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022