Advanced Logs and Standard Logs

For Business Processes, Shells, the Space Manager, and code-and-record-based managers, you can design either a Standard log, or an Advanced log for display in Data Pickers. An Advanced Log creates an extra navigation structure that makes it easier for the user to choose records to work with.

Note: The default elements and fields (log layout, view, search, etc.) that are defined in the Standard Log, in uDesigner, determine the Standard user interface elements and fields of all logs.

See Also

Setting up the Business Processes

Master Log - Business Processes Node

Importing Business Processes (BPs)

Configuring Business Processes (BPs)

Configuring Business Process Configuration Package

General Procedures for Setting up Business Processes

Loading a Business Process

Setting Up a Non-Workflow Business Process

Setting Up a Workflow Business Process

Creating, Adding, and Deleting Business Process Help Files

Auto-creating a Business Process record or Planning Item Based on conditions or frequency

Setting Up Auto-Creation of Cash Flow Curves from Contracts

Copying Workflow Setups from Other Schemas

Importing Workflow Setups from One Company to Another Company In the Same Environment

Importing Workflow Setups from One Environment to Another

Setting Up a Blanket Purchase Order Summary Template

Setting Up a Base Commit Business Process

Setting Up a Request for Bid (RFB) Business Process

Business Process Permission Settings

Business Process Functionality in Unifier

Query-Based Tab in Business Processes

Creating Query-Based Tab in Business Processes

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