Configure and Activate a BP

The following procedure describes how to configure and activate a business process. If the business process form contains a data picker, you will also have to configure the data picker.

To configure and activate a business process

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. Click Configuration > Business Process in the left Navigator. The Configuration - Business Processes log opens, displaying the BPs that have been imported into your company.
  3. Select a business process and click Open > General. The Configuration window for the business process opens.
  4. Complete the General tab according to the table below Step 9.

    In this tab, you can specify the log in which the BP records will appear, the numbering sequence for the records, the status, and record termination restrictions. The tab also shows whether the BP is company, project, or shell level.

  5. Click the Workflow tab (applicable for workflow BPs only). Business processes may have multiple workflows that have been defined in uDesigner. Use this tab to activate one or more workflows that have been imported with the BP. Non-workflow BPs will not appear in this tab.
  6. Click the Custom Print tab. This tab is optional. It allows you to customize the BP layout of a Word document. See Create Custom-Designed BP Print Layout (Custom Print tab)
  7. When you have completed the configuration information, you can make the BP available for setup and use by changing the status to active in the General tab.
  8. When the window is complete, click OK.

Fields on the General tab:

In this field:

Do this:


Displays whether the BP is company, project, or shell level, as determined in uDesigner.

Default Location

Choose where the BP records will be stored. Some BP types will default to a log and cannot be changed.

Note: If you are using the user configurable Navigator, you may not see the BP in the User Mode log immediately, even after granting permissions. You need to manually move the BP into the correct User Mode node.

Sequence Policy

This determines how the record numbers for each BP record are sequenced. The record number is displayed on the form and in the Business Process log.

Company Based: Record numbering starts with this number on the first record of the first project or shell and is sequential on each record after that, no matter what project a BP record is created in.

Project/Shell Based: Record numbering starts over in each new project or shell, and is sequential within the project or shell.

Sequence Format

The prefix and starting number that will be used for BP record numbers.

Use Base Commit's Record Number: This is for identifying workflow Change Commits (Line Items with CBS Code Cost BPs) at the project or shell level. For this type of change commit, you can use the base commit's record number as part of the prefix for the change commit's record number. This will clearly identify the base commit to which the change commit refers. It will also provide sequential numbering for the change commits so that users can see how many change orders have been initiated for the base commit.

To specify this addition to the prefix number, you need to include a separator, such as a period, and a starting number for the change commits. The maximum number of characters for the starting number is 8. For the total format, including the base commit's record number and the sequential numbers, the maximum number of characters is 20.

For example, a base commit record might be numbered PO-00123456. For a change commit record that refers to this base commit, the change commit record number could be PO-00123456, followed by a separator (such as - ) and a number for the change commit. The sequence format for change commits attached to this base commit could be numbered:




Note: This numbering sequence will be frozen once it is used for a change commit in a project or shell. Any change to this numbering sequence will only affect change commits created in a new project or shell.

Business Process Log

If standard, the option Standard is selected.

Record Creator

Options available are:

  • Do not allow to terminate record
  • Allow to modify record
  • Do not allow to transfer ownership of records

Enable audit of record print

Deselected by default.

If selected, the user can view the audit log entries for print and discover the number of times that a record has been printed.

When you select this option, the following user actions on a record will create an audit entry:

  • Printing from BP record
  • Single & Bulk Printing from the BP log.
  • Single & Bulk Printing from the Task log

Note: For bulk print, the number of entries seen in the audit log will be the same as the number of records that were printed by way of the bulk print action.

Enable for Mobile application

Selecting this option enables the BP to be used for mobile app.

The Cost Type: Line Items with Both CBS and WBS Codes business process cannot be enabled for mobile application.

Record Creator

This option gives administrators more control over who can edit or terminate a BP record once it is created.

Do not allow to terminate record. If selected, once a BP record has been created, the owner or creator cannot terminate it. If not selected, after a BP record has been created, the owner or creator of the record can terminate it.

Caution: Any user with terminate workflow permission for the BP, regardless of BP record ownership, will be able to terminate a record for that BP, regardless of whether this option is selected.

Allow to modify record. If selected, the creator or owner of the record will be able to modify the record at any time, whether or not s/he is the assignee on a step.

Do not allow to transfer ownership of records: If selected, the record creator cannot transfer the ownership of records to another user.


Active enables the BP to be set up and used to create BP records. Inactive prevents set up or use of the BP.

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Last Published Tuesday, April 12, 2022