Distributing Cost Data

When you create a cash flow curve, Unifier distributes cost data using the distribution method defined in the cash flow curve properties. Distribution can be either manual, or automatic from a defined profile.

In User Mode, Unifier displays commitment curve cost data in the record transaction currency, but stores costs in project currency. Currency conversion uses the active exchange rate set.

If the transaction currency is different from the project currency, you can change the currency view between transaction and project currencies. You can only edit data in the transaction currency view. If there is a more recent value in the exchange rate table, refreshing the curve will refresh the cost data. You will not see the currency menu if the business process record was created in the project currency.

Manual distribution

When you select manual distribution in the curve properties, you manually enter the data for distribution in the curve details window at run time. Unifier preserves cost distribution and duration when you change the From Date (start date) of baseline, custom, and forecast curves (when there are no actuals) in project/shell, summary CBS, and CBS detail curves. In other words, if you change a cash flow curve to start on a different date then it originally did, Unifier shifts the curve along the timeline to reflect the new date and moves the cost data to retain the integrity of the curve. Unifier pegs the distribution of cost data to the From Date, rather than the end or To Date. Here is how this works when the From Date changes:

Auto by default profile distribution

A distribution profile lets you predefine the way you want Unifier to distribute cost data in User Mode. You can add any number of profiles in the Edit Distribution Profiles window.

The left side of the window contains:

The right side of the window contains:

By default, when you create a new distribution profile, the graphical display will be a linear distribution (5% is entered in each of the 20 data slots).

Following are some distribution profile examples.

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Last Published Tuesday, April 12, 2022