Summary Total

During runtime, if the uDesigner upper form option "Total the Cost Breakdown values to the line item" is checked, then the Summary row values in Payment Applications grid displays per "Summary Total' option, selected by the user in detail form. The following table "Summary Total" provides details:

Costed Row Data Element Settings in uDesigner
Data Entry / Access

Costed Row Data Element Settings in uDesigner
Summary Total

Summary Row Value

Manual / Editable/Editable Required

As Defined

Editable. The value shows as 0 or $0.00, per Data Element (DE) Data Definition (DD). The user can double-click into the cell and enter any value as per the DE Data Definition**. If the user deletes the value in the cell, it reverts back to 0 (zero) or $0.00, whichever applicable.

Manual / Editable/Editable Required

Sum of All Rows

Editable. The value shows sum of all costed lines. The user can double-click into the cell and enter any other value, per the DE Data Definition**. If the user deletes the value in the cell, it reverts back to 0 (zero) or $0.00, whichever applicable.

Manual / Read-Only

As Defined

Read-Only. Value: 0 (zero) or $0.00

Manual / Read-Only

Sum of All Rows

Read-Only. Value: Sum of all costed lines

Formula (Always Read-Only)

As Defined

Read-Only. Value: Calculated according to the formula defined for the DE, in uDesigner

Formula (Always Read-Only)

Sum of All Rows

Read-Only. Value: Sum of all costed lines

Auto-populate / Editable/Editable Required

As Defined

Editable. The value shows the auto-populated value, per definition in uDesigner. The user can double-click into the cell and enter any value as per the DE Data Definition**. If the user deletes the value in the cell, it reverts back to 0 (zero) or $0.00, whichever applicable.

Auto-populate / Editable/Editable Required

Sum of All Rows

Editable. The value shows sum of all costed lines.. The user can double-click into the cell and enter any value as per the DE Data Definition**. If the user deletes the value in the cell, it reverts back to 0 (zero) or $0.00, whichever applicable.

Auto-populate / Read-Only

As Defined

Read-Only. Value: The auto-populated value, per definition in uDesigner

Auto-populate / Read-Only

Sum of All Rows

Read-Only. Value: Sum of all costed lines

** If there is a total mismatch, then a red triangle symbol appears in the cell and when you click the red triangle symbol the cell displays the difference.

During runtime, the following DEs (summary row total value fields) are exception to the above settings:

The uDesigner properties for the fields above are set as "Manual," but Unifier calculates the value of these fields as a system-calculated hard-coded formula.

See Also

Summary Row Totals

Line Item Total

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022