Creating a New Levels Sheet Record (Standard View)

When there is no levels sheet available, Unifier displays the Create toolbar option. To create a new levels sheet:

Note: You must have the Create permission in order to be able to create a levels sheet.

  1. Go to your shell or project and switch to user mode.
  2. Click Space Manager to expand.
  3. Click Levels Sheet.
  4. Click Create. and select one of the following options:
    • Manual
    • From <shell or project>

If you click the Manual option, the Create Levels Sheet window opens. Enter and select values in each field and click Save.

If you decide to create levels sheet from a shell or project, click the From <shell or project> option, to open the Levels Sheet window. Use the Find on Page option to find the desired shell or project, click Select, and follow the prompts. You can create one levels sheet per shell or project, only.

Once the sheet is created, use the Refresh Sheet Data toolbar option to refresh the data on a sheet (updating the data). This toolbar option does not refresh the log items that are displayed in the Levels Sheet log. Note that when you click the Refresh Sheet Data toolbar option, the cell under Last Modified Date will show "In Progress" until the data update is complete, after which the date of the refresh is displayed.

To add columns to a level sheet:

  1. In User Mode, navigate to the Space Manager in a shell and select Level Sheets.
  2. Select the level sheet, and click Open.
  3. Click Columns. The Columns Log window opens.
  4. Click New. The Column Definition window opens.
  5. In the Datasource drop-down list, select the data element to use. The list includes the data elements found on the level form.
  6. For Entry Method, choose how information is entered in the column. The choices depend on the data source selected.
  7. For Data Format, select the format for numeric columns. The options are:
    • Show as Percentage: Displays data in percentage. For example, if 0.25 is entered, it displays as 25%.
    • Decimal Places: Select the number of decimal places to display.
    • Use 1000 Separator (,): Data is formatted using separators. For example, one thousand is displayed as 1,000 with a comma, not 1000.
    • Negative Number Format: Select how negative values are displayed: with a negative sign or in parentheses.
  8. For Display Mode, select Hide to make the column invisible to users or Show to display it.
  9. For Total, select what is shown in the bottom summary row for each column. The options are:
    • Blank: Summary row is blank.
    • Sum of All Rows: Displays the sum total of all row values for this column.
    • User Formula Definition: Displays the result of the formula entered in the Formula field.
  10. For Average, select Blank or the average of all rows.
  11. For Column Position After, select a column from the list to specify its position on the sheet.
  12. Click OK.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022