Exporting and Importing CSV Level Templates and Records (Standard View)

  1. Navigate to the Space Manager levels log.
  2. Click the Export Template button. The exported CSV template is based on the Integration interfaced design of Level that was created in uDesigner.
  3. Save the CSV file to your desktop.

To modify an imported file

  1. Open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel or a compatible software application. You can also edit the CSV file in a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. Add data to the CSV file, one record per row. Do not add, move, or delete columns or change the structure of the file.
  3. Save the file.

    Note: Excel 2003 cannot handle CSV files with 15 or more rows. In CSV files, columns are separated with commas. When you open a CSV file with Excel that has empty columns at the end of the file, Excel drops the additional commas from the 15th row onward, resulting in an error when you try to import the file. To work around this problem, do one of the following:

    • Add your data to the CSV file in Excel and save the file. Then reopen the file in a text editor such as Notepad, find the rows that have the missing commas, and add the additional commas to these rows.
    • Use the text editor instead of Excel to modify column values in the CSV file.

To import CSV files or drawing files

  1. In the Space Manager, select the level which you want to import the new record or drawing file. Be sure that you are importing the correct file.
  2. Click Import.
  3. In the File Upload window, browse for the file and click OK.

    Unifier checks the file for the following items to make sure that valid records are created:

    • The file format of the imported file matches the interface design created in uDesigner.
    • Make sure that you are importing into the same log from which you exported the CSV template file.
    • The required fields contain data in the correct format.

    If an error occurs, an error message gives you the option to save a text file that lists the errors.

To view the import validation error file

  1. At the import error message, click Yes. You can then choose Open to open the file or Save to save the file to your local machine.
  2. The error file is a CSV file. Click on a cell to view the full contents of the listed error.
  3. After fixing the errors, you can use this file to re-import the records.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022