Copy a line item on the Grid

  1. On the form, select the tab containing the line item you want to copy.
  2. On the Line Item window, click the Grid button. The Grid window opens
  3. Select the line item (or items, using the Ctrl key) you want to copy and click the Copy button.
  4. Select a line and click the Paste button. Unifier pastes the copied line item(s) into the row(s) above the selected line, giving it (or them) a line item number of 0.
  5. Click Save. Unifier renumbers the line item(s) with the next incremental number(s), and updates the line items on the form.

You have the ability to copy cell values by way of:

  1. Dragging cell value

    When you click a field (cell) in a line item grid that is editable, Unifier displays a small blue square icon (indicator) on the bottom right-hand corner of the cell. The indicator is available for fields that are editable.

    You can drag the indicator to copy the cell value onto the cell below. After you copy the value, the value in the recipient cell appears as modified (the font will be purple in color, and the format will be italic.

    When you drag the cell values for multiple cells, the pattern of values of the copied cells will be copied, also.

    If you select two cells and drag the values into three cells, then the system will replace the value of the third cell with the value of the first cell that was copied.

  2. Changing cell value

    When you want to change the value of a field (cell) that is editable in multiple line items, use the Shift key to select the consecutive (adjacent) line items, click on the cell, in one of the line items, enter the value that you want, and click Enter. You can use the Ctrl key to select inconsecutive (not adjacent) line items.

    Note: The search functionality is not available when the grid is being edited.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022