Initiating a discussion group (Classic View only)

You can initiate a discussion group during any step in the workflow except the creation step.

To initiate a discussion group in general comments

  1. Open a business process record and click the Discussion button. The Discussion Group Invitation window opens.
  2. Give a name to the discussion group.
  3. Click To and choose the users to include in the discussion group. This list is generated from the discussion group list on the workflow setup of the business process.

    Note: To include users who are not part of the original business process workflow, you must first add them to the discussion group list. The workflow must be set up to allow this, and you must have the proper permissions.

  4. In the Discussion Notes text field, write a description of the assistance or input you are asking for from the participating members of the discussion group.
  5. Click Send.

    The receivers get a task in their Tasks log and an email message. The subject of the email will show the record number of the business process and the phrase "is sent to you for discussion." When the receiver opens the form, only the comments section is editable.

    When users respond to a discussion group, the discussion group owner is notified by email.

To initiate a discussion group on a particular document in a Document-type business process

Open the Document-type business process record. Select the document from the document list on the form. Click the Discussion button and follow the procedure to initiate a discussion group.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022