Participating in a discussion group (Classic View only)

If you are invited to join a discussion group, a new task will appear in your Tasks log, and you will receive an email message. The Sent for column of the Tasks log will indicate "discussion," distinguishing it from workflow-related tasks.

To participate in a discussion group in comments

  1. From the Tasks log, select the discussion group business process and click Open. The form will be view-only, except for the comments area.

    Note: Pay particular attention to the Discussion Notes area of the Action Details portion of the form. This is where the owner of the discussion group will add information regarding what input is needed.

  2. Click General Comments. Add text comments.

To participate in a discussion group on a Document-type business process

  1. From the Tasks log, select the discussion group business process and click Open. The business process form will be view-only, except for the comments and document list.

    Note: Pay particular attention to the Discussion Notes area of the Action Details portion of the form. This is where the owner of the discussion group will add information regarding what input is needed and the documents that need review.

  2. Select the document to comment on and click Comments. Add text comments and graphic markups.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022