View Payment Application Line Item History

When payment application records in view mode, a Line Item History button becomes available. This provides a snapshot view of the line item grid as of the last entry.

Note: View mode refers to the non-editable version of the form. For example, for workflow BPs, this is before clicking the Accept Task button or after the form has gone through all the workflow steps and is complete. For non-workflow BPs, this is after editing has been completed.

To access line item history

  1. Open a payment application record from the log. Be sure the record is in view mode.
  2. Click the Line Item History button. The Line Items window opens, displaying the payment application line item grid, as view-only, with data entered to date.
  3. You can optionally split the grid so that the cost codes or other columns are always in view on the left, allowing you to scroll through other columns to view data on the right.
    1. To split the grid, click the Split button.
    2. You can click the Freeze button to make the left side of the vertical bar unmovable.
    3. To unfreeze the left side, click the Freeze button again. To remove the split, click the Split button again.
  4. Click the Close button to close the window.

By default, the first 100 line items are displayed on the page. If your payment application BP has more than 100 line items, you can scroll through the other pages, or you can choose to display up to 500 line items on the same page. Displaying more than 100 line items on the page may take several seconds to load.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022