Import change commit line items into a BP

You can export a template that includes the detail form fields as columns for a specific business process. These fields include the detail form line item fields defined in Integration.

You can then modify the exported template and import it to create new line items for the business process. The exported template contains SOV record information.

To export the change commit line item template

If multiple tabs are designed for the line items in the business process, only the data in the Standard tab is exported. For the other tabs, the tab name is included in the exported data for reference, but no data in these tabs is exported. Data from all columns in the Reference Base Commit is exported.

  1. Navigate to the change commit business process log.
  2. Click New to create a new business process.
  3. Select a Reference Base Commit for the business process.
  4. Choose File > Export Line Item Template.
  5. Click Open to open the file in Microsoft Excel, or click Save to save the file to your local drive. The template exports with SOV data in it, based on the selected Reference Base Commit. No business process line item data is exported.

To modify the change commit line item template

  1. Open the exported CSV file in Microsoft Excel. The SOV line items are listed.
  2. Enter the line item information into the spreadsheet. Each line must begin with a "D". For multiple tabs, you must enter appropriate tab name in the Tab Name column.
  3. Enter data into the required fields, as well as non-required fields as needed.


    • Data for formula-based columns is ignored.
    • If auto-populated data is provided, the system will import the value, and will not override the imported values except for fields auto-populated by Base Commit, Change Commit, or Unit Cost Control.
    • Any line items with the Amount equal to zero will not be imported.
    • Ensure that you are importing the records you want to import. Any line items that you import will be added after any existing line items.
    • Use to add new lines only, not to modify existing lines
    • All data created through the CSV import is rolled up to the cost sheet
    • You might find that you have to change some of the cells in the CSV file to Text type in order for data to import correctly. For example, if you have a CBS code of 1-1, Microsoft Excel can interpret this entry as a month-day combination and reformat it to Jan-1. In this case, your data import will fail because this data is now an invalid CBS code.

To import the change commit line item template

  1. Navigate to the change commit business process log.
  2. Select a business process and click Open.
  3. Click the Import button. The line items in the imported file are listed after any existing line items.

If there are any import errors, you can open the CSV file to view and correct the error. No line items are imported if any row contains an import error.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022