Portfolio Budget Curve (Classic View)

Unifier Portfolio Manager allows you to pull the Baseline, or Forecast, data from more than one Project/Shell into the following three Portfolio Budget curves:

For an explanation of these options see About Portfolio Manager Budget Curves.

The General tab of the "Cash flow Portfolio Budget" window contains the following fields and sub-fields:

The following explains how to enter data in the "Cash flow Portfolio Budget" window fields and sub-fields in details.

In the Distribute amount from field drop-down list (under Cost), you can select Original, Shared, or Approved, then click OK. The portfolio curve opens in the Properties window.

Note: If the currency of data pulled from any of the three different Portfolio Budget curves (Unifier Portfolio Manager) is different from the Project/Shell currency, you can create a Derived curve (using the existing curves within a family) that converts data from existing curves to a different currency.

You can add a Portfolio Curve for each cash flow detail level after you create portfolio budget data sources. See the following instructions.

This section explains the following topics:

To add a Portfolio Budget Curve for cash flow by Project/Shell:

  1. Open Unifier.
  2. Click All Projects tab (or your project tab or the tab whose cash flow you want to work with).
  3. From the Navigator pane, click Cost Manager to expand and click Cash Flow to open the Cash Flow log window (right-hand pane).

    The Cash Flow log is the starting place for cash flow operations. The log displays all existing cash flow curves and also provides options for creating new curves, copying curves, viewing curve properties, and assigning curve usage privileges to other users.

    To create a new cash flow, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select Detail Curves. The Properties window opens and displays the General tab as default.

    Note: If you have a cash flow template that you want to use, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select From Template to open the Template Log (Cash Flow Templates) window.

  4. Click to select a cash flow from the Cash Flow log window and click Properties to open the cash flow Properties window.
  5. In the General tab, enter Name, enter Description (optional), select Active for Rollup Status, and select Project/Shell under Detail Level, and enter settings for Time Scale and Period Close Settings.
  6. Click the Curves tab.
  7. Click Add and choose a data source based on a portfolio budget type (Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget). The Cash flow by Project/Shell - Portfolio window opens.
  8. Complete the fields in this window using the information in the following table and when finished click OK to save work and open the Cash Flow WorkSheet that you added.

    Note: If you need additional curves, repeat steps 6 to 8.

In this Field:

Do this:


No action. This field is filled in automatically with the name of the data source.

The names are: Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget


No action. This field displays the curve type: Portfolio Budget


Select an option from the Distribute amount from field list.

The choices are: Original - Shared - Approved


Select the currency of "Portfolio Budget" type curves within the Cash Flow family. See the topic "Currency" at the end of this section for more information.

To add a Portfolio Budget Curve for cash flow by CBS or Summary CBS:

You can add a Portfolio Curve for each cash flow detail level after you create portfolio budget data sources. See the following instructions.

  1. Open Unifier.
  2. Click All Projects tab (or your project tab or the tab whose cash flow you want to work with).
  3. From the Navigator pane, click Cost Manager to expand and click Cash Flow to open the Cash Flow log window (right-hand pane).

    The Cash Flow log is the starting place for cash flow operations. The log displays all existing cash flow curves and also provides options for creating new curves, copying curves, viewing curve properties, and assigning curve usage privileges to other users.

    To create a new cash flow, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select Detail Curves. The Properties window opens and displays the General tab as default.

    Note: If you have a cash flow template that you want to use, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select From Template to open the Template Log (Cash Flow Templates) window.

  4. Click to select a cash flow from the Cash Flow log window and click Properties to open the cash flow Properties window.
  5. In the General tab, enter Name, enter Description (optional), select Active for Rollup Status, and select Summary CBS or CBS under Detail Level, and enter settings for Time Scale and Period Close Settings.
  6. Click the Curves tab.
  7. Click Add and choose a data source based on a portfolio budget type (Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget). The Cash flow by Summary CBS - Portfolio Budget or Cash flow by CBS - Portfolio Budget window opens.
  8. Complete the fields in this window using the information in the following table and when finished click OK to save work and open the Cash Flow WorkSheet that you added.

    Note: If you need additional curves, repeat steps 6 to 8.

In this Field:

Do this:


No action. This field is filled in automatically with the name of the data source.

The names are: Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget


No action. This field displays the curve type: Portfolio Budget


Select an option from the Distribute amount from field list.

The choices are: Original - Shared - Approved


Select the currency of "Portfolio Budget" type curves within the Cash Flow family. See the topic "Currency" at the end of this section for more information.

To add a Portfolio Budget Curve for cash flow by Commitment:

You can add a Portfolio Curve for each cash flow detail level after you create portfolio budget data sources. See the following instructions.

  1. Open Unifier.
  2. Click All Projects tab (or your project tab or the tab whose cash flow you want to work with).
  3. From the Navigator pane, click Cost Manager to expand and click Cash Flow to open the Cash Flow log window (right-hand pane).

    The Cash Flow log is the starting place for cash flow operations. The log displays all existing cash flow curves and also provides options for creating new curves, copying curves, viewing curve properties, and assigning curve usage privileges to other users.

    To create a new cash flow, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select Detail Curves. The Properties window opens and displays the General tab as default.

    Note: If you have a cash flow template that you want to use, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select From Template to open the Template Log (Cash Flow Templates) window.

  4. Click to select a cash flow from the Cash Flow log window and click Properties to open the cash flow Properties window.
  5. In the General tab, enter Name, enter Description (optional), select Active for Rollup Status, and select Commitment under Detail Level, and enter settings for Time Scale and Period Close Settings.
  6. Click the Curves tab.
  7. Click Add and choose a data source based on a portfolio budget type (Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget). The Cash flow by Commitment - Portfolio Budget window opens.
  8. Complete the fields in this window using the information in the following table and when finished click OK to save work and open the Cash Flow WorkSheet that you added.

    Note: If you need additional curves, repeat steps 6 to 8.

In this Field:

Do this:


No action. This field is filled in automatically with the name of the data source.

The names are: Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget


No action. This field displays the curve type: Portfolio Budget


Select an option from the Distribute amount from field list.

The choices are: Original - Shared - Approved


Select the currency of "Portfolio Budget" type curves within the Cash Flow family. See the topic "Currency" at the end of this section for more information.

To add a Portfolio Roll Up Curve for cash flow (by Program):

You can add a Portfolio Curve for each cash flow detail level after you create portfolio budget data sources. See the following instructions.

  1. Open Unifier.
  2. Click Company Workspace tab.
  3. From the Navigator pane, click Cost Manager to expand and click Cash Flow to open the Cash Flow log window (right-hand pane)
  4. The Cash Flow log is the starting place for cash flow operations.

    The log displays all existing cash flow curves and also provides options for creating new curves, copying curves, viewing curve properties, and assigning curve usage privileges to other users.

  5. To create a new cash flow, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select Roll Up Curves. The Properties window opens and displays the General tab as default.
  6. In the General tab, enter Name, enter Description (optional), select Active for Rollup Status, and select Active for Status.
  7. In the Data Sources box, select as many data source items as you want.
  8. In the Time Scale box, enter the settings that you want and when finished click OK to save work and open the Cash Flow WorkSheet that you added.

To view Portfolio Budget Curve for cash flow:

You can view the curves and data source based on a portfolio budget type (Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget).

  1. Open Unifier.
  2. Click All Projects tab (or your project tab or the tab whose cash flow you want to work with).
  3. From the Navigator pane, click Cost Manager to expand and click Cash Flow to open the Cash Flow log window (right-hand pane).

    The Cash Flow log is the starting place for cash flow operations. The log displays all existing cash flow curves and also provides options for creating new curves, copying curves, viewing curve properties, and assigning curve usage privileges to other users.

    To create a new cash flow, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select Detail Curves. The Properties window opens and displays the General tab as default.

    Note: If you have a cash flow template that you want to use, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select From Template to open the Template Log (Cash Flow Templates) window.

  4. Click to select a cash flow from the Cash Flow log window and click Properties to open the cash flow Properties window.
  5. In the General tab, enter Name, enter Description (optional), select Active for Rollup Status, and select Commitment under Detail Level, and enter settings for Time Scale and Period Close Settings.
  6. Click the Curves tab.
  7. Click Add and choose a data source based on a portfolio budget type (Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget). The Cash flow by Project/Shell - Portfolio Budget window opens.
  8. Complete the fields in this window using the information in the following table and when finished click OK to save work and open the Cash Flow WorkSheet that you added.

    Note: If you need additional curves, repeat steps 6 to 8.

In this Field:

Do this:


No action. This field is filled in automatically with the name of the data source.

The names are: Original Budget - Approved Budget - Shared Budget


No action. This field displays the curve type: Portfolio Budget


Select an option from the Distribute amount from field list.

The choices are: Original - Shared - Approved


Select the currency of "Portfolio Budget" type curves within the Cash Flow family. See the topic "Currency" at the end of this section for more information.


When you define a Portfolio Budget curve within any curve family type (CBS, Summary CBS, Commitment, and Project/Shell), you have the option to select the currency (Currency field under Cost) of the Portfolio Budget data source from the Portfolio Manager.

The Currency field is a required field (default value: Project Currency) if you have Portfolio Budget curves. You can change the value of the Currency field to another value by opening the curve configuration window.

Note: When you run a report, the value of Currency, in the report, is Project Currency unless you have selected another value.

The Currency field lists all Active and future currencies from Exchange Rates (Company Workspace > Admin mode > Standards & Libraries > Exchange Rates). The Show Currency List window lists the available currencies that you can select.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022