Cash Flow Properties Settings: Filter tab (Classic View)

The Filter tab of the cash flow Properties window enables you to select one or more CBS codes (or, if the Project/Shell cost sheet uses a tree structure, Summary CBS codes) to include in the cash flow data. This allows you to limit the cash flow data to a subset of the CBS Codes or Summary CBS Codes that are on the cost sheet. If you do not select any codes on this tab, then the cash flow curves will default to all CBS codes present on the Project/Shell cost sheet.

Note: Filtering is not available on company-level curves, or for curves of detail level Commitment. To choose codes, the cost sheet must be defined in the Project/Shell or Project/Shell template.

To filter curve data by CBS or Summary CBS codes:

  1. Open Unifier
  2. Click All Projects tab (or your project tab or the tab whose cash flow you want to work with).
  3. From the Navigator pane, click Cost Manager to expand and click Cash Flow to open the Cash Flow log window (right-hand pane). The Cash Flow log is the starting place for cash flow operations. The log displays all existing cash flow curves and also provides options for creating new curves, copying curves, viewing curve properties, and assigning curve usage privileges to other users. To create a new cash flow, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select Detail Curves. The Properties window opens and displays the General tab as default.

    Note: If you have a cash flow template that you want to use, click the New drop-down list (the down arrow) and select From Template to open the Template Log (Cash Flow Templates) window.

  4. Click to select a cash flow from the Cash Flow log window and click Properties to open the cash flow Properties window.
  5. In the Filter tab and select one of the available options:
    • All CBS codes from cost sheet: This is the default filter, and the cash flow data reflects all CBS codes. The Add and Remove buttons, at the bottom of the window, are disabled.
    • Select Summary CBS codes: This filter allows you to select specific summary CBS codes to include in the cash flow data. This option is available if the cost sheet has a tree structure, and the curve Detail Level is Project/Shell or Summary CBS (on the General tab).
    • Select CBS codes: This filter allows you to select which CBS codes to include in the cash flow data.
  6. Select a filter option:
  7. If you Select Summary CBS codes and click Add, the Select summary CBS codes window opens.
  8. If you Select CBS codes and click Add, the Cost Code Picker window opens.
  9. Click the desired code (or codes), click Select to include the selected CBS codes in the filter. You can use Remove to delete codes from the list, if necessary.
  10. Click OK, when finished, to open the Cash Flow WorkSheet window.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022