Curve Columns

The table underneath the graph shows the data for the curves. Each row corresponds to one of the curves on the graph, and displays the curve data in columns. The view is incremental; you can click the drop-down on the right to change the view to cumulative, which is view-only. The columns are:

Color: The color of the graph displays in the first column

Name: This is the name of curve, taken from the Data Source

From Date: The starting point of the curve. This can be entered manually or taken from a date field on the project/shell master schedule sheet, as defined in the curve properties.

To Date: The ending point of the curve, also manually entered or pulled from the schedule sheet. This can be entered manually or taken from the schedule sheet.

Total: This amount is the cost portion of the curve. It can be pulled from a specified cost sheet column or business process. This total amount will then be distributed over the time period (From Date to To Date) to generate the cash flow curve. This is defined in the curve properties.

Unassigned: Any amount left over from the Total amount that has not yet been distributed.

Time Period Columns: These are the incremental time periods for the duration of the cash flow time period. That is, the From Date to the To Date, entered above. For monthly distribution, these will display each month and year from the From Date to the To Date. If shown Yearly, then each period is one year.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022