Move a Folder

If you are the owner of the folder (or otherwise have proper permissions), you can move a folder to a new location. When you move a folder from one location to another, all subfolders, documents, and any comments or markups on the documents are moved to the new location. Original ownership and user permissions are maintained. To move a folder, you must have the following permissions: Create Sub -Folder permission in the destination folder and Move permission in the source folder. If a folder with the same name exists in the destination folder, you can choose to either cancel the move or keep both the folders. When you select the option to keep both, the folder you are moving will be appended with a number to distinguish it from the folder that already exists. If you are moving multiple folders at the same time, you can select the Apply for all conflicts checkbox to apply the same action for subsequent conflicts.

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Move a Folder (Standard View)

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