Configure the dashboard

You can configure the content layout by doing the following:

To configure the resource manager dashboard

  1. From the Resource Dashboard log, click Edit and choose one of the following:
    • Left Column: The Left Column Blocks window opens.
    • Right Column: The Right Column Blocks window opens.

    These are set up the same way.

  2. To add a chart, click Add. Complete the Add Summary Block window:
    • Report Name: Click Select. Choose a chart from the list and click OK. The report fields are auto-populated. You can edit the title if desired.
    • Specify filter conditions:
      • Roles and projects are multiselect fields (you can choose one or more from the list).
      • If fields are left empty, it means all.
      • Project field is disabled in the project-level dashboard and displays the current project.

To edit a chart on the blocks list

Select it from the list and click Open.

To delete a chart on the blocks list

Select it from the list and click Delete.

Example project resource dashboard

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