Schedule Sheet Properties General Tab

To complete the General tab of the schedule sheet properties:

  1. In User Mode, open the project or shell in the left Navigator. Click Schedule Manager > Schedule Sheets. The Schedule Sheets log opens.
  2. Click New or open an existing schedule sheet. The Schedule Sheet Properties window opens.
  3. Complete the General tab as described in the table below.
  4. Click OK. The new schedule is available in the log.

    From here you can:

    • Open the Properties window, the Gantt Chart tab, the Tracking Gantt tab, the Options tab, and the Schedule tab.
    • Open the sheet and add columns and rows (activities).

In this field:

Do this:

Schedule Title

Enter a title for the template. This is used as the template identifier and must be unique. (up to 120 characters)


Enter an optional description. (up to 400 characters)

Master Schedule

When you create a new schedule sheet in a project or shell or project or shell template, you can select this checkbox to make the schedule sheet the "master schedule (one per project or shell or project or shell template; once selected, it cannot be deselected).


When you are ready to make the template active and available for use, click Active.


Controls the automatic update of tasks for Scope Management. The default is Off. Setting Auto-control to On enables the automatic launch of BP records. Setting Auto-control to Off means that BPs will not be launched automatically on activities. Also, completion conditions will not be checked on activities. Users can still launch BPs manually.

Note: Unifier disregards predecessor/successor dependency relationships when you manually start an activity, even if auto-control is set to On in the schedule sheet properties.


Select a calendar to use with the schedule sheet. You can choose from Standard Calendars (company-level calendars), Project/Shell Calendars, or Custom Calendars (defined for the Schedule Manager). This calendar is used by all activities on the schedule sheet. The Calendar data element is also available for use as a column in the schedule sheet. When a new schedule sheet is created, the Project/Shell Calendar is selected by default. Users can change this default selection. The calendar selected affects project durations and due dates.

For templates, the only choice is Standard calendars.

The Schedule Start Date always uses the Project/Shell Calendar. Activity start dates are not affected when you change the calendar.

The selected Start Date or Finish Date for an activity can be a non-working calendar day, however the duration of the activity will only account for working calendar days.

Schedule Start Date

Drives the dates of floating activities on the schedule sheet for Scope Management. No activities can begin before this date; however, activities do not have to begin on this date if their preceding activities complete previous to this date.

The Manual and Shell Attribute radio buttons are active for a master schedule sheet if the Project Start Date data element has been added to the Shell Attribute form (for CBS shells) in uDesigner, and if no activity has started on the sheet. These buttons allow you to specify whether the Schedule Start Date should be set manually, or automatically populate. For non-master schedule sheets, the choice is always Manual, and Shell Attribute is not selectable.

If you select the Manual radio button, you can select a Schedule Start Date.

If you select Shell Attribute radio button, the Schedule Start Date automatically populates from the Project Start Date specified on the General tab of the shell properties.

Also, the shell Project Start Date can update the master schedule sheet start date if no activity has been started on the sheet. Sheets other than the master schedule sheet are created with the Project Start Date specified on the shell, but this date cannot be updated from the Project Start Date field in the shell properties.

Notify users and/or groups on errors

Select Users and groups to be notified if there are errors during any point during the Scope Management task routing.

Permission: Enforce Activity Level Permissions by Group

Select to specify that you are implementing group activity editing. If you select this checkbox, you must also select a default group.

Default Group

Required if you select Permission Enforce Activity Level Permissions by Group. Select the group to use as the default group for activity-level editing.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022