Working with Space Objects in a Drawing

You can view and work with all space objects that are available in uCAD.

Viewing a space object that is linked to a polyline

To view a space object that is linked to a polyline on a drawing follow these steps:

  1. In AutoCAD®, open the drawing.
  2. Click the Unifier menu and select View > space type. The Space Type window opens, listing the space objects for the selected space type.
  3. Select one or more space objects from the list.
  4. Click Show on Drawing. The linked polylines are highlighted in the drawing. The Space Type window remains open, so you can look for other space objects in the drawing. The drawing pans to show multiple polylines.

Opening a space object

This opens the space object so that you can make changes to the data element fields.

To open a space object:

  1. In AutoCAD®, open the drawing.
  2. Click the Unifier menu and select View > space type. The Space Type window opens, listing the space objects for the selected space type.
  3. Select a space object from the list and click Open. The Space Object window opens.
  4. You can view or modify the data for the space object.
  5. Click OK.

Deleting a space object

This procedure will remove the link between a polyline and the Unifier space record, and remove the space object from the drawing. You can also optionally remove the polyline. This procedure will not delete space records from Unifier.

Note: Space records and logs can include the field Polyline Deleted (or a similarly named field) that indicates whether a polyline that was linked to a space record has been deleted in uCAD. The field is blank if there is no linked polyline provided in uCAD, or if the polyline exists and is not deleted. If there was a linked polyline, and it has been deleted, this field will contain the value “Deleted”. This indicates that the space record can be linked to another polyline. This field is always read-only. The space record in Unifier is not deleted.

To delete a space object:

  1. In AutoCAD®, open the drawing.
  2. Click the Unifier menu and select View > space type. The Space Type window opens, listing the space objects for the selected space type.
  3. Select a space object from the list and click Delete.
  4. Choose one of the following:
    • Space Record and Polylines: Deletes the space record and the polyline from the drawing.
    • Space Record Only: Deletes the space record from the drawing but leaves the polyline.
  5. Click OK.

De-linking a space object

You can de-link a space object record from a polyline.

To de-link a space object:

  1. In AutoCAD®, open the drawing.
  2. Click the Unifier menu and select View > space type. The Space Type window opens, listing the space objects for the selected space type.
  3. Select a space object from the list and click Delink.
  4. Click Yes to confirm.

Filtering space records to access a subset of those records

You can filter a long list of space records to quickly access records that meet certain filtering criteria. For example, you might want to see only those records for which Department is Human Resources and Occupancy is Vacant. You can filter by using the fields available to the space record (that are not based on constants) from the Space Detail form designed in uDesigner.

To filter a list of space records:

  1. In AutoCAD®, open the drawing.
  2. Click the Unifier menu and select View > space type. The Space Type window opens, listing the space objects for the selected space type.
  3. Click Filter. The Filter window displays.
  4. Select the filtering criteria.
  5. Click OK. The list of records is refreshed to show the records that meet the filtering criteria.
  6. You can click Show on Drawing to show highlighting (dashed lines) around the polylines that are found using the search criteria. Click Cancel Highlighting to turn off the highlighting.
  7. Click Remove Filter to return to the original list of space records.

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022