Filtering P6 EPPM Data

The following example demonstrates how to create a new filtered view (called My Top 10 Projects), name the filter (it_portfolio_view) and how to tell the STARETL process to use this new filtered view when extracting, transforming, and loading data into Primavera Data Warehouse.

  1. Log in to the P6 EPPM instance (with SQL Plus, SQL Developer, and so on) with the user account for Publication Tables/views (for example, PXRPTUSER).
  2. Use the following statement to create the it_portfolio_view filter:

    create or replace view it_portfolio_view as select PROJECTOBJECTID objected from projectportfolio pp, projectprojectportfolio ppp where pp.objectid = ppp.PROJECTPORTFOLIOOBJECTID and = 'My Top 10 Projects'

  3. Upon successful completion of the sample filter, log out of the instance.
  4. Log in to the Primavera Data Warehouse database instance as the schema owner (for example, the STARUSER account).
  5. Use the following statement to add a setting into the ETL_PARAMETER table with the name of the view you created:

    insert into etl_parameter(p_feature, p_1, datasource_id)

    values ('star.project.filter.ds1', 'it_portfolio_view', 1);


  6. Go to <PDW Install Folder>\star\etl_homes\staretl<id>.
  7. Run staretl.bat (with Windows) or (with UNIX or Linux).

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