Configuring Layers

  1. Log into OBI with an account that has a BI Administrator role.
  2. Select Administration.
  3. Under Map Data Management, click Manage Map Data.
  4. In the Manage Map Data page select the Layers tab.
  5. Select COUNTRIES_ALL_LABEL_CLEAR and click the Edit layers icon.
  6. In the Edit Layer dialog box, in the Name field, select ALL COUNTRIES.
  7. Add the Project-Location BI Key for the Primavera - Activity subject area:
    1. In the BI Key Columns section, click +.
    2. In the Select Subject Areas list, select Primavera – Activity.
    3. In the Select BI Key Columns dialog box, expand Project, then Location.
    4. Select the Country Name and select Move.
    5. Click OK.
  8. Add the Activity-Location BI Key for the Primavera - Activity subject area:
    1. In the BI Key Columns section, click +.
    2. In the Select Subject Areas list, select Primavera – Activity.
    3. In the Select BI Key Columns dialog box, expand Activity, then Location.
    4. Click the Country Name and select Move.
    5. Click OK.
  9. Add the Resource-Location BI Key for the Primavera - Activity subject area:
    1. In the BI Key Columns section, click +.
    2. In the Select Subject Areas list, select Primavera – Activity.
    3. In the Select BI Key Columns dialog box, expand Resource, then Location.
    4. Click the Country Name and select Move.
    5. Click OK.
  10. Add the Project Location BI Key for the Primavera - Project History subject area:
    1. In the BI Key Columns section, click +.
    2. In the Select Subject Areas list, select Primavera – Project History.
    3. In the Select BI Key Columns dialog box, expand Project, then Location.
    4. Click the Country Name and select Move.
    5. Click OK.
  11. Select US_STATES_BI and click the Edit layers icon.
  12. In the Edit Layer dialog box:
    1. In the Name field, select US STATES.
    2. Use the same steps you used to create ALL COUNTRIES, but choose STATE CODE instead of Country Name for each step.
  13. Repeat these steps as needed for each Subject Area for which you want to display location data on a map.

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