Validating Changed STARETL Process Calculations

When updating metadata calculations, the STARETL process validates the calculations. These validation steps check the etl_calculations table, CALCULATION column, and row values to ensure that the set calculation will execute successfully and not cause the STARETL process to fail. If a calculation causes a failure, all metadata calculations revert to the default calculations and the STARETL process continues. The log reports any failure of the calculation and gives a warning that the calculations will be reverted.

You can run this validation process independently of the STARETL process. Validating changed calculations ensures that any changed calculations are correct. Since the full STARETL process is not run, all calculations are not reverted to default values.

Complete the following steps to validate any changes to STARETL process calculations:

  1. Go to <PDW Install Folder>\star\etl_homes\staretl<x>.
  2. Run one of the following:

    staretl.bat 10 12 (with Windows) –from 10 –to 12 (with UNIX or Linux)

    Note: Steps 10 through 12 in the STARETL process validate calculations. These commands run these specific steps only.

  3. Check the log output for any errors or warnings. See the Primavera Data Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide for details on what logs to check and the log file locations.


    • Calculations are defined by the Primavera Data Warehouse schema, not by each data source. If you have multiple data sources loading data into a single Primavera Data Warehouse schema, all data sources share the same calculations.
    • The default calculations are stored in the ETL_CALCULATIONS table in the DEFAULT_CALCULATION column. You can use the DEFAULT_CALCUALTION column to reset a changed calculation back to the original value.

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Last Published Wednesday, October 20, 2021