Predicting the Success of a Project: Example

The example in the ..\samples\Advanced Analytics folder, predicts if a project will be successful or a failure based on past experiences (with a heavier weight towards cost).

The following project characteristics were considered to create a basis if a project is successful:

Now, refer to historical projects and run the formula to see planned vs. actual. For example, planned cost versus actual cost to determine if the project cost was above the planned cost. This provides a success or fail score for all historical projects. Weighted costs was the most important feature of the project.

Having determined what projects were successful or failures historically, you can now gather those characteristics for those projects.

For example, Project A has an original budget of $100,000, planned duration of 2,000 hrs, and planned units of 2,000. This project now also has a score as well - 1 or 0. If a new project is introduced into the system, match it as close as possible to the existing projects and determine what the score is on those projects. Apply that score as a prediction to this new project.

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