Creating a Sample Primavera Data Warehouse Instance

The Primavera Data Warehouse sample schema is meant for demonstration purposes only. Oracle recommends that you import the sample schema into a unique Oracle Database instance. Do not install sample schema in the same instance as the production Primavera Data Warehouse instance.


Do the following to create the Oracle tablespaces that are required for Primavera Data Warehouse. These steps assume that an Oracle instance has already been created. For information about creating an Oracle instance, see

Once the Oracle instance is created, complete the following steps to create the sample Primavera Data Warehouse Tablespaces:

  1. Sign in to the sample Primavera Data Warehouse instance as a user with DBA privileges. For example, SYSTEM.
  2. If these tablespaces do not already exist, create the necessary tablespaces with the following statements:

    create tablespace <STAR_DAT1>

    datafile '<path>/STAR_DAT1.dbf'

    Size 32m

    Autoextend on

    Extent management local;


    <STAR_DAT1> is the name of the star tablespace.

    <path> is the path to the folder where the database resides.

  3. If these tablespaces do not already exist, create the necessary tablespaces with the following statements:

    create tablespace <STAR_HST1>

    datafile '<path>/STAR_HST1.dbf'

    Size 32m

    Autoextend on

    Extent management local;


    <STAR_HST1> is the name of the star history tablespace.

    <path> is the path to the folder where the data files reside.

  4. Since the Oracle Data Pump export was created using the database username of STARUSER, the import and the sample Primavera Data Warehouse schema username must also be STARUSER.

    Create the database user STARUSER with the following statements:

    prompt Creating users STARUSER


    create user STARUSER

    identified by <password>

    temporary tablespace <temp_table>

    default tablespace <STAR_DAT1>



    grant dba to STARUSER;


    grant create any job to STARUSER;


    <password> is that STARUSER password.

    <temp_table> is the name of the tablespace for temporary data.

    <STAR_DAT1> is the name of the Star tablespace.

  5. Create a directory object within the instance for the dump file with the following SQL statement:

    create or replace directory dmpdir as '<path_to_file>';

    where <path_to_file> is the location of the data extracted from the file.

  6. Ensure case sensitivity for the Primavera Analytics sample database instance is set to false for database logons with the following statement:

    alter system set sec_case_sensitive_logon=false;

  7. Sign out of the database instance.

Continue to Importing the Primavera Data Warehouse Sample Schema.

Related Topics

Appendix: Importing Primavera Data Warehouse Sample Schema

Importing the Primavera Data Warehouse Sample Schema

Adding OBI Users for Primavera Analytics Sample Data

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