Upgrading the Repository Definition File (.rpd) to Primavera Analytics Version 20

To upgrade the Primavera Analytics Repository Definition file (.rpd) from version 18 to Primavera Analytics Version 20, complete the following steps on the server where Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) is installed:

  1. Go to the <Primavera Analytics unzipped directory>\obi\12c\rpd directory.
  2. Copy the OraclePrimaveraAnalytics.rpd file to a local folder on the server where you installed OBI. For example, C:\temp.
  3. Open a terminal or command prompt window and go to your BI Domain tools folder.

    For example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\bi\bitools\bin.

  4. Use the data-model-cmd.cmd command (with Windows) or the data-model-cmd.sh command (with UNIX or Linux) in the terminal or command prompt to download the currently deployed Repository Definition file, as follows:

    data-model-cmd.cmd downloadrpd –O C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics current.rpd –W <repository password> –U <username> –P <password> –SI <service instance>

    Note: If you are using OBI or later, use the datamodel.cmd command (with Windows) or datamodel.sh command (with UNIX or Linux).

    For example:

    data-model-cmd.cmd downloadrpd –O C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_current.rpd –W Admin123 –U weblogic –P weblogic1 –SI ssi

    A message displays: RPD Download completed successfully.

  5. Use the equalizerpds.cmd command (with Windows) or the equalizerpds.sh command (with UNIX or Linux) in the terminal or command prompt to equalize your current RPD with the new RPD, as follows:

    equalizerpds.cmd –B <current repository password> -C <path to current rpd> -E <new repository password> -F <path to new repository> -O <path to equalized repository>

    For example:

    equalizerpds.cmd –B Admin123 -C C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_current.rpd -E Admin123 -F C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics.rpd -O C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_equalized.rpd

  6. Use the comparerpd.cmd command (with Windows) or the comparerpd.sh command (with UNIX or Linux) in the terminal or command prompt to generate a patch file with the differences between your existing RPD and the new equalized RPD, as follows:

    comparerpd.cmd –W <new repository password> -C <path to new equalized rpd> -P <current repository password> -G <path to current repository> -D <patch file>

    For example:

    comparerpd.cmd –W Admin123 -C C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_equalized.rpd -P Admin123 -G C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_current.rpd -D C:\Temp\rpd_patch.xml

  7. Use the biserverxmlexec.cmd command (with Windows) or the biserverxmlexec.sh command (with UNIX or Linux) to patch the existing Repository Definition file, as follows:

    biserverxmlexec.cmd –P <repository password> -I <path to patch file> -B <path to downloaded repository> -O <output repository path name>

    For example:

    biserverxmlexec.cmd –P Admin123 –I C:\Temp\rpd_patch.xml –B C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_current.rpd –O C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_patched.rpd

    Note: After you run this command, a new Repository Definition file is created in the location specified with the -O parameter. This is the file that gets deployed in the rest of this procedure.

  8. Use the data-model-cmd.cmd command (with Windows) or the data-model-cmd.sh command (with UNIX or Linux) to upload the patched Repository Definition file, as follows:

    data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd –I C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_patched.rpd –W <repository_password> –U <username> –P <password> –SI <service_instance>

    Note: If you are using OBI or later, use the datamodel.cmd command (with Windows) or datamodel.sh command (with UNIX or Linux).

    For example:

    data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd –I C:\Temp\OraclePrimaveraAnalytics_patched.rpd –W Admin123 –U weblogic –P weblogic1 –SI ssi

    You should receive a message: RPD Upload completed successfully.

  9. Sign in to the OBI Enterprise Manager URL as a WebLogic Administrator. For example, weblogic:



    <server> is the server name or IP address of the server where OBI is installed and running.

    <port> is the listening port number for OBI.

    /em is the default context for OBI Enterprise Manager.

  10. Upon signing into OBI Enterprise Manager, the upper left corner of the screen will show the Target Navigation Tree icon. Click to expand, and then click the arrow icon next to the leaf node called Business Intelligence to expand this folder.
  11. With the Business Intelligence leaf node expanded, the biinstance hyperlink should appear below the leaf node.
  12. Click the biinstance hyperlink. This displays on the right portion of the screen with the properties and available configuration options for this deployment of OBI.
  13. Click the Availability parent tab, and then click the Processes child tab.
  14. Click the Restart All link to restart all components of this OBI deployment. When the confirmation window appears, click Yes. When the OBI deployment restarts, a message appears.
  15. Click Close to close the message.
  16. Click the user menu (For example, WebLogic, located in the upper right of the screen directly below the browser toolbar), then select Sign Out.

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020