Alternative JRE Password Encryption

You can use IAIK-JCE to supplement the security functionality of the default JDK. Do the following to install the IAIK-JCE encryption provider and set up the ETL process to use it.

  1. Go to and download the latest
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Go to the lib-signed folder.
  4. Copy iaik_jce.jar and iaik_jce_native_aes.jar to the JRE_HOME/lib/ext folder.
  5. Go to the JRE_HOME/lib/security folder.
  6. Add the following entry to file:

    where XX is the next available number

  7. With Windows, do the following to set global JVM parameters for the IAIK-JCE provider:
    1. Display the System Environment Variables settings (Control Panel, System, Advanced Tab, Environment Variables)
    2. Enter the following environment variable:


  8. With UNIX and Linux, do the following to set global JVM parameters for the IAIK-JCE provider:
    1. Create the following shell script in the /etc/profile.d folder (for example, /etc/profile.d/ or in the .profile file that corresponds to your default shell:

      export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dprimavera.encryptor.provider="IAIK"

  9. Run configStar.cmd (with Windows) or (with UNIX or Linux) to update the data warehouse settings with the passwords encrypted using the IAIK-JCE provider.

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020