Upgrading the Primavera Data Warehouse Schema Only

After installing and configuring Primavera Data Warehouse Version 20, you must update the Primavera Data Warehouse schema to the latest version before running the SETUP process or the STARETL process.

To upgrade the schema from Primavera Data Warehouse 17.7 or higher to the current version:

  1. Go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
  2. Download PrimaveraDataWarehouse.zip and extract the contents.

    A star directory is created with three folders:

    • Config
    • app
    • etl_homes
  3. Change the permissions to run the configuration scripts.

    cd <PDW>/star/config

    chmod 775 *

  4. Launch the script with the path to the environments jre within the used JDK.

    ./dwInstaller.sh <java_home>/jre

  5. Go to the <PDW Install Folder>\star\config\silent folder.
  6. Copy and edit the following template property files to conform to your environment:
    • odi.global.properties.templates
    • odi.p6.local.properties.templates
    • odi.unifier.local.properties.templates
    • odi.textura.local.properties.templates
  7. Save the properties files.
  8. Run the silent installation command with a “-u” parameter as follows:

    ./globalSilent.sh odi.global.properties –u


    Use the configuration utility to upgrade the star schema as follows:

    1. Go to the <PDW Install Folder>/star/config folder.
    2. Launch the configuration utility:

      Windows Installations: Run configStar.cmd

      UNIX or Linux installations: Run configStar.sh

    3. Review the current connections and settings in each step of the upgrade sequence.
    4. In the final Data Warehouse Creation step, click on the Upgrade button.
      • Notes:
      • You must run the schemaUpgrade process from <PDW Install Folder>\star\etl_homes\staretl1\scripts. If you run it from any other folder, an error occurs.
      • If an existing ODI environment is already started, then for the Oracle DI Agent and Server run:
      • If using Primavera Analytics Web Administration Application, run: -StopWeblogic
        Now the source schema upgrade can be completed.
      • After source schema upgrade is completed then run the Data Warehouse and Analytics upgrades.
      • After Primavera Data Warehouse and Analytics upgrades, for the Oracle DI Agent and Server, run:
      • For Primavera Analytics Web Administration Application: -StartWeblogic

At this point, with Primavera Data Warehouse Version 20 installed and the Primavera Data Warehouse schema upgraded to to the current version, you can now either run the STARETL process manually or let your normally scheduled STARETL process occur. For details on running the STARETL process manually, see Running the STARETL Process for Traditional Data Warehouse Installations.

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020