Configuring AES and Primavera Data Warehouse

Before running configStar, complete the following steps to create the keystores and configure them for use with Primavera Data Warehouse:

Note: If there is no need of keystores, ignore this procedure and the passwords will be encrypted as AE04.

  1. Open a command prompt/terminal window and navigate to <PDW Install Folder>\star\config folder.
  2. Run the following command:

    java -classpath lib/prm-common.jar com.primavera.common.KeyStoreInstaller -createnew.

  3. When prompted, enter a password for the keystore.
  4. Open a command prompt/terminal window and navigate to <PDW Install Folder>\star\config folder.
  5. Run the configStar.cmd (with Windows) or (with UNIX or Linux) to create a new staretl source.
  6. After configuring the new staretl source, perform the following steps to access the keystore:
    1. Copy the created keystore files (p6keystore.jks and p6kspass.pwf) located in /star/config folder to etl_homes/staretlX/ where x is the number of the ETL source.
    2. Change the keystore:
      1. Open p6kspass.pwd and delete its content.
      2. Enter the password that has been used to generate the keystore in this file in clear text.

        Note: Be careful not to introduce new spaces or lines.

      3. Save and exit.
      4. After the first ETL run, the process will encrypt the password.
    3. Regenerate the password
      1. Go to the staretl folder.
      2. Regenerate the password (use the password as used to create the keystore)

    java -classpath lib/prm-common.jar com.primavera.common.KeyStoreInstaller -genpassfile

  7. In the WebApp section:
    1. Change bin/ to specify the location of primavera.bootstrap.home (line 99)

    JAVA_OPTIONS="${SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dprimavera.bootstrap.home=/home/g/staretl-cloud/config"

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