Applying TDE to an Existing Star Schema

An existing tablespace cannot be encrypted. To apply TDE to an existing Star Schema:

  1. Create tablespaces that are encrypted. For more information, see Encrypting Tablespaces.
  2. Move data from existing tablespaces to the new ones using table redefinition. The files that are used are preferences.txt, grants_before_tde.sql, migrate.sql, and grants_after_tde.sql.
    1. Edit the preferences.txt file so that it matches your environment and security requirements:

    alg varchar2(7 char) NOT NULL := 'AES128';

    owner varchar2(30 char) NOT NULL := 'STARUSER';

    source_dir varchar2(128 char) NOT NULL := '/u01/opt/oradata/orcl/';

    target_dir varchar2(128 char) NOT NULL := '/u02/opt/oradata/orcl/';

  3. Replace 'STARUSER' with the user name applicable to your environment.


    • source_dir is the folder that contains the current clear text application tablespaces.
    • Target_dir can point to the same or another folder or partition which allows you to relocate the encrypted tablespaces.
    • grants_before_tde.sql grant the required privileges to STARUSER (change STARUSER to your schema user in case it is different). Run the script as sys user.
    • migrate.sql migrates all objects in the given clear text tablespace into its encrypted counterpart. Run this script from command prompt for both Star_Dat1 and Star_Hst1 tablespaces as staruser.
    • migrate_tables_part.sql migrates the remaining tables that have row level security enabled. Run this script as staruser and post migrate.sql finishes.
    • grants_after_tde.sql will revoke all the privileges that were provided to staruser for creating and migrating data to encrypted tablespaces. Run the script as sys user.

Post-migration steps

Once the migration of all tablespaces is complete, manually complete the following steps:

  1. Rename all tablespaces and take the clear text tablespaces offline (as 'STARUSER'):

    alter tablespace STAR_DAT1 rename to STAR_DAT1_backup;

    alter tablespace STAR_DAT1_ENC rename to STAR_DAT1;

    alter tablespace STAR_DAT1_backup offline normal;

    alter tablespace STAR_HST1 rename to STAR_HST1_backup;

    alter tablespace STAR_HST1_ENC rename to STAR_HST1;

    alter tablespace STAR_HST1_backup offline normal;

  2. After confirming that the ETL process and OBIEE reports runs seamlessly off encrypted tablespaces, the original clear-text tablespaces can now be deleted:

    drop tablespace STAR_DAT1_backup including contents and datafiles;

    drop tablespace STAR_HST1_backup including contents and datafiles;

  3. Log in as sysdba and run grants_after_tde.sql.

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