Archiving History

To archive history, you need to take the history partition and move the data out of the database into a file.

To archive history:

Note: The commands below represent the first history partition.

  1. Drop security on the W_ACTIVITY_HISTORY_F so you can exchange the partition to a table. Run the following command to drop security:







  2. Exchange the partition into a new table by running this command:

    create table r1_p1 as select * from staruser.w_activity_history_f where 0=1;

    alter table staruser.w_activity_history_f exchange subpartition r1_p1 with table r1_p1;

  3. Export the table or move it to another database. If you are using Oracle Database, see the Data Pump documentation for your version of Oracle for details.
  4. Remove the table from the database:

    drop table r1_p1;

  5. Enter one of the following commands to restore security by running the STARETL process:
    • With Windows:

    setup.bat 44 44

    • With UNIX or Linux: -from 44 -to 44

Related Topics

Archiving and Restoring History

Restoring Archived History

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020