History Settings on Project Level

If you are using P6 EPPM 8.2 SP1 or later, the project history level settings are available in P6 and can be set project by project; history will populate up from activity to WBS to project. If you set history at the Activity level, P6 will also populate WBS and Project history. You can set history for month, financial period, quarter, or year. Selecting Activity-level history means you can capture daily activity and resource assignment data regardless of the periodic setting in P6.

Define history levels selectively. History will impact how much data and what level the history fact tables in Primavera Data Warehouse will process. Depending on your database size, enabling Activity level history for all projects could cause a long ETL process time. Turn on history only for those projects that require history. When projects end, turn off history settings to prevent performance issues.

History is captured and rolled over in a merge to avoid overwriting existing history. This capture and merge can cause the ETL process to slow slightly after several historic period captures until crossing over a new partition. Partitioning is available to help performance and move older history into a new partition and help decrease ETL run time. Partition interval ranges are predefined in tables and index scripts in the Primavera Data Warehouse installation\scripts directory. See the Primavera Analytics On-Premises Administration Guide for more information.

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020