Troubleshooting Common Errors

Primavera Data Warehouse writes detailed process information to the log files. The Logs contain information about the installation, as well as about each run of the STARETL process. If an error occurs, the log files may include diagnostic information. Analyzing these files can help lead you to the resolution or to the file or process that caused the error.

Cannot auto-create wallet (ORA-28368)

If you encounter the above error while running the following line:


Encryption wallet, auto login wallet, or HSM is already open (ORA-28354)

If you encounter the above error, run:

alter system set encryption wallet close identified by "<password>";


alter system set encryption wallet open identified by "<password>";

TNS: wallet open failed (ORA-12578)

Auto login wallet not open but encryption wallet may be open (ORA-28390)

If you encounter the above error while trying to close the wallet with alter system set encryption wallet close, correct the statement to:

alter system set encryption wallet close identified by "<password>";

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020