Upload Rates from Worksheet

As of Version 9.6, the rate upload process for both Aggregate type rates and Select or Ultimate type rates are the same. For each rate table that is uploaded, one workbook is required. Each worksheet in the workbook will be applicable for each rate set. The first sheet should be set up for the rate legend that provides the metadata on the rate group, such as:

  • type of rate table
  • the required number of rate table records
  • the criteria applicable for the rate table.

Each rate set in the workbook needs to provide:

  • the unique set of effective date
  • active from date
  • active to date
  • the involved rate criteria 1 to criteria 10.

Depending on the type of rate table that is uploaded, Aggregate or Select/Ultimate, the information on the legend work sheet and the individual rate sets needs to be different. Refer to Prepare Spreadsheet for Rate Upload for details of the rate workbook set up.

Upload Rates From Workbook in an Excel Spreadsheet

  1. Navigate to Admin Explorer.

  2. Right-click on the Rate Groups folder.

  3. Select Update Rate Group. The Update Rate Group Wizard will open.

  4. Select the radio button at the top of the window to identify either Manual, where only the rate group is created, or Import, where a spreadsheet of rates is imported.

    • Manual: if this is selected, then enter the rate group information in the fields provided. Click Finish to complete the manual update. You do not need to complete the rest of the steps listed below.
    • Import: if this is selected, then complete the additional steps listed below.

    For Import Only:

  5. In the Workbook field, select the Excel spreadsheet containing the rates you want to upload. Enter the full path of the spreadsheet or browse and select it.

  6. Click Validate Rates.
    • Check the first worksheet for metadata in the required format.

    • Check the remaining worksheets to make sure the rate information is in sync with the metadata in the first worksheet.

    • Ignore any empty worksheets.

Important   If any errors occur during the validation, then a message will appear. If there are multiple messages, then they can be copied into the system clipboard and pasted to a different application. This allows a user to refer to the list of messages while cleaning up the upload worksheet.
  1. After completing the validation, click Upload Rates. This button is enabled only when the rates have been successfully validated with no errors.

  2. Click Finish.

A Cancel button is also available in the Update Rate Group Wizard. During the rate load execution, the entire wizard page with the exception of the Cancel button, will be disabled. While the rate load is executing, a window with a progress bar will be presented on the screen as an “in process” advisory to the user. If Cancel is clicked during the rate load, the progress bar window will close, the upload and delete process will halt, and all rate data will be rolled back to its state prior to the Cancel.

If Cancel is clicked during the validation process, the validations will halt and the user will be expected to start the process over

Once the rates have been uploaded, the Configuration Area will open and display the new rate table. Check-out the XML file if changes need to be made to the rate table information.

Important   Rates can be manually edited ifthey were uploaded incorrectly.