Data Dictionary Overview

The Data Dictionary is a tool that can be used to create a uniform set of fields and math variables for use during configuration. When a field or math variable is defined in the Data Dictionary, it can then be used in the configuration of a rule or transaction. The Data Dictionary also tracks the dependencies between variables and rules. This is done through the use of the Used In button in the Search tab.

All terms added to the Data Dictionary must be validated. The use of the Data Dictionary can be enforced through the DataDictionaryEnforcement business rule.

Important   Refer to the Data Dictionary Best Practices section before setting up and using the Data Dictionary.

Data Dictionary Facts:

  • Data Dictionary and its enforcement reside at the Global level.

  • Data Dictionary saves configuration time by allowing users to drag and drop existing fields or math variables into the configuration.

  • Data Dictionary prevents users from accidentally deleting active fields because they can see the rules and transactions that use it.

  • Data Dictionary can be used as a dictionary of terms.

  • Data Dictionary provides consistency during configuration by giving users access to a list of common names.

  • The Rules Palette can warn end users that they are attempting to configure a field and/or math variable that is not defined in the Data Dictionary.

How to Open the Data Dictionary

There are two ways to access the Data Dictionary:

  1. When configuring, access the Data Dictionary by clicking Window from the menu bar and selecting Open SearchPalette Window. Procedures for using the drag and drop functionality in the Configuration Area are described in the SearchPalette Window description.

    Open Search Palette Windown option from Tool Bar

Window Option on Tool Bar with OpenSearchPaletteWindow Option Selected

  1. An additional option is to select the book icon found on the Tool Bar menu. The drag and drop functionality cannot be used from the Data Dictionary when this access option is chosen. Instead this option is used to manage and look-up variables and Data Dictionary categories.

Data Dictionary icon on Tool Bar

Data Dictionary Icon on Tool Bar

Security is wrapped around the Data Dictionary, allowing only users with the proper permissions to create and edit dictionary terms. There are three levels of Data Dictionary security: check-in/check-out, manager and view.

How to Use the Data Dictionary

Open the Data Dictionary by clicking the Data Dictionary icon Data dictionary icon on the Main Menu. There are three tabs in the Data Dictionary window: Search, Manage Term and Create New Category.

  • Search: use this tab to search for existing terms or add new terms.

  • Manage Term: use this tab to update existing terms or change the category a term is associated with.

  • Create New Category: use this tab to add new categories to the Data Dictionary.

Important   In the Data Dictionary the word term refers to either a field or math variable.

Data Dictionary Tabs

Data Dictionary Tabs